Monday, January 30, 2012

The Rabbit

Well, I caved.  We are going to be bunny owners starting this evening.  I put a whole bunch of tasks on a list that Quint had to do before getting the bunny.  They were all bunny related.  Find people who will come to our house on the weekends that we're gone.  Find people who will be here this summer and Christmas when we're back in the 'ville.  Research care for bunny.  Stuff like that.  I thought for sure Quint would view this as extra homework and lose interest.  I was wrong.  He was even emailing Mr. Xie (the current owner who seems only to anxious to give the bunny away) behind our back.  This bunny has lived with the Xie's for almost a year and doesn't seem like he's been held a lot.  He could end up being bunny from hell, but we'll see.  We have decided since he is supposedly potty trained that he will be a "free range" bunny and will be free to roam the 2nd floor during the day.  If he isn't as potty trained as they say, he will be back in the cage.  We have decided that his name will either be Xie (after the generous man who gave him to us) or Rufus (after a naked mole rat on the old disney show Kim Possible).  Hopefully by the next post, we will have a picture of him for you.  

Speaking of bunnies, the year of the Rabbit is officially over.  I guess I should be thankful Mr Xie doesn't have a dragon he's trying to unload.  There were fireworks upon fireworks.  For the last 10 nights there has been at least 1 hr of fireworks going on.  The big nights were Sun night, New Years Eve and Thurs night.  One is to ward off bad spirits 
Sue/Scott Radeker
1983 Huamu Lu, No. 157
Pu Dong New District, Shanghai, PRC, 201204
Home: +86.21.3393.3763
China Mobile: +86.182.1761.9504
US Mobile:  +1.502.526.6628

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